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Sunday, December 16, 2007

'X-Files, Lone Gunman, 9/11'

Alex Jones interviews Dean Haglund

This is a fascinating interview for many reasons.

Three that jump out are:

1. The clip of a television drama written in 2000 and broadcast in 2001 (before 9/11) that described a government terror attack on the World Trade Center using a hijacked plane. The motivation: to increase arms sales.

Shot in March of 2000. Written in January of 2000.

2. The routine canceling of financially successful programs that are critical of the government

3. The CIA's program of sending fake psychics to Hollywood parties to develop relationships with producers, directors and actors to see what projects they're working on before they're publicly announced.


'911 Conspiracy predicted in X-Files'

'Chinese manoeuvers leave the US and India trailing'

M K Bhadrakumar
Asian Times Online
15 Dec 2007

" ... Actually, the latest irritant shouldn't have been aerial reconnoitering, but China's upset win - trumping formidable rivals like the US, Canada and Russia - in the massive Afghan tender for copper mines. But the strategic community in Delhi doesn't know, as the Indian media kept it in the dark.

The news from the Hindu Kush would have made Indian thinkers pull their hair in despair. China has never been a player in Afghanistan in modern history. Indeed, it is a needless provocation on the part of the Chinese to be so utterly fearless of the Taliban and al-Qaeda. While India prides itself as a major donor for Afghan reconstruction - building roads, bridges, hospitals, a Parliament building and even, intriguingly, public toilets - China marches ahead and wins the tender for the Aynak cooper deposit in Afghanistan's Logar province bordering Kabul, which is billed as one of the world's largest copper mines.

The project involves US$4 billion in investment by China Metallurgical Group, which will be by far the biggest foreign investment in Afghanistan and is estimated to provide employment for 10,000 people. Significantly, the project includes the development of a railway system linking Afghanistan to China. (Nepal also has sought the extension of China's railway system from Lhasa to Kathmandu.) ... "

~ Read more... ~

'Born to Shop: How Marketers Brainwash Babies'

By Terrence McNally, AlterNet
13 Dec 2007

" ... Santa's shopping is in full swing. Peak season for what I consider child abuse, family abuse and democracy abuse -- marketing to children. I'm of the baby boomer generation. When I was a kid, there was Tony the Tiger hawking Frosted Flakes and little elves selling me cookies, but marketing to children was peanuts -- well, probably Cracker Jacks.

Everything has changed, and changed gradually on such a scale that we are paying an enormous price -- in kids' physical, mental and emotional health, and in the health of our families and our democracy.

From 1992 to 1997, the amount of money spent on marketing to children doubled, from $6.2 to $12.7 billion. Today they are spending over $15 billion. Children influence purchases totaling over $600 billion a year. Children spend almost 40 hours a week outside of school consuming media, most of which is commercially driven. The average child sees about 40,000 commercials each on television alone. 65 percent of children 8-18 have a television in their bedroom.

Earlier this year 11 companies agreed to voluntarily scale back their marketing to children in an effort to slow down the rise in obesity. ... "
