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Monday, November 19, 2007


A DesertPeace Editorial

No, it's not a new book by Dale Carnegie, Israel came up with the concept on its own. Paranoia is probably the main reason behind it, but whatever the reasons, Israel is doing its best to lose whatever friends it made over the past few years.

Arrogance is another factor, Israel will never admit that it was wrong.... they will lie about incidents, deny wrongdoings, but never admit to them.

Yet,they expect the world to accept them as they are. They expect the world to condone the policies of genocide and apartheid.... and if they don't, it's OK.... nothing will change. As long as the United States continues to support them no matter what they do, these policies will continue.

BUT, what about the rest of the world? Let's start with the Vatican; for many years they have literally bent over backwards to 'make things right' with Israel. They have altered many of their positions regarding the Jewish people and have maintained a cordial relationship with Israel since establishing ties with them in 1993. Today, that relationship is on 'shaky ground' as can be seen in THIS Ynet report and THIS statement from the HCEF.

In other words, Israel's interpretation of a relationship and a friendship is 'do it my way, do what I want and we shall remain friends'. Things just don't work that way in the real world....

Another recent example of Israel losing support can be seen in reports from London. The British Royal Family never were great 'fans' of Israel, they are not that crazy about any nation that helped the sun set on their Empire, but there again the relationship was a cordial one. But regarding a visit to Israel by HRH Prince Charles, here is what aides to the Prince had to say... " there is no chance the prince would ever visit Israel as such a visit would boost Israel's international image." A full report about this can be read HERE.

At the UN yesterday the United States criticized the UN Human Rights Council for focusing all the time on Israel while failing to address human rights violations in Zimbabwe, North Korea, Iran, Belarus and Cuba. Continual focus on Israel at the UN just might reveal the FACT that the US has been supportive of every crime committed by Israel since 1948, could that be the real reason for the criticism? A report of what was said at the UN can be read HERE.

If Israel continues on the path it is on, it will lose everything. The world is slowly (way too slowly) waking up to the reality of what zionism really is. The following song, sung by one of Israel's greatest supporters says it all as far as Israel's attitudes go.... attitudes that they best change for their own good....
source: ~ link ~

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