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Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Lafarge Connection

" ... That name, Jackson Stephens, also connects with the Clintons of Arkansas. Another nexus linking the Bush Family of Connecticut with the Clintons of Arkansas is the Lafarge connection. Lafarge is a French industrial company specialising in cement, concrete, and gypsum wallboard. (Wikipedia, Dec. 19, 2007) In the early 1990s, Hillary Clinton was paid over $30,000 per year by Lafarge. ("What You May Not Know About Hillary Clinton," Washington Post, Dec. 9, 2007, p. A23). And a "substantial owner" of Lafarge was George H.W. Bush, former CIA director and father of "Dubya" Bush. ("The unfinished business between Saddam Hussein and George H.W. Bush -- Part 4", by Larry Chin, Online Journal contributing editor. http://www.onlinejournal.org/Special_Reports/Chin111402/chin111402.html)

It was while perusing the archives of Sherman H. Skolnick (1930-2006) that this editor came across the following claim: "As a sizeable stockholder of a unit of a French firm, American LaFarge, the Elder Bush was implicated in reportedly supplying the ingredients for poison gas to be manufactured by Iraq, to be used against Iraq's domestic dissidents, namely, the Kurds, as well as against the Iranians, during the Iran-Iraq War, 1980 to 1988. A Director of American LaFarge, naturally, was Hillary Rodham Clinton, wife of the Bush Family pal." ("Overthrow of the American Republic, Part 1", Sept. 22, 2001. The Skolnick archives may still be available at http://www.skolnicksreport.com). Doing a little double-checking substantiates Skolnick's claim. ... "
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